Friday, September 21, 2012

The Big Island

Big Island. We stayed in Hilo while we were there for the weekend. Sheryl had to go on business, so I was lucky enough to go with her and enjoy the weekend together.

Sheryl found a heart shaped rock. No, she didn't bring it back.

Candy Store

Big Island Candies - A must stop
Mexican Food!! Yum!!!

The most beautiful Double Stacked Rainbow I have ever seen!!! 

Black Sand

Day of rest and relaxation. Massage and Pedicure. Thanks!!!

 We have not really had many carbs in a month or so. We splurged with some pizza and pasta. It was worth it.
Pizza with Cilantro Pesto. 
Greek Pasta

Totally worth it!!! 


My sister Sheryl!

Flying back to Oahu.
Fantastic trip. Again, tons to see and do on the Big Island, with a relaxed feel and nice people. I enjoyed it.

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