Friday, October 5, 2012

Kings Village Farmers Market

I walked down to the Kings Village Farmers Market the other night to check it out.  I love farmers markets, seafood markets, any markets - especially when there are interesting foods or produce that I have never tried before. 

Lots of fresh local pastries
Malasadas...not as good as Leonard's but really, who's are??!!

Dragon Fruit - Finally tasted it!!  It was pretty good. Not near as sweet as I thought it would be.


Shrimp Balls, Lobster Balls, Fish Balls - OH MY!! 

Dips and marinades

Shrimp Chips

Coffee and Honey

of course...Poke!!! 

Dim Sum

Dumplings, Dim Sum, Egg Rolls and more!

Fresh Coconuts - Just add a straw!!

Homemade Empanadas

Local made cookies

Fresh Fruits

 The farmers market was good. All local everything, which is how it should be. Lots of different types of foods and goodies. I ended the day by going down to the beach and catching the sunset and happened to catch Santa on the Beach...with his violin!!!

The sunset was beautiful as usual. There were tons of sailboats on the horizon, which made it extra pretty!

And then Fireworks. Every Friday night there are fireworks on the beach.

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