Sunday, August 26, 2012


I have to talk about this experience because it was AMAZING and I still can't believe I did it.

Sheryl's boyfriend Frantz was visiting and he wanted to go skydiving. He wanted Sheryl to go with him but that's just not her thing. So he asked if I wanted to go. Skydiving has always been something I have wanted to do. I thought it would probably be the scariest thing I would ever do, but at the same time, the most thrilling. To be honest with you, I didn't know if I would ever have the opportunity, or the guts to actually do it. So when he asked - OF COURSE I SAID YES!!

The plan was to go the next morning at 9am - what a way to start the day!!! We all got ready.
Shoes - check
Proper clothing - check
Alcohol for Sheryl - check (she was nervous enough for both of us - a drink was in order!)

Off we go to the beautiful North Shore. I thought that the nerves would kick in at some point, but so far I was just excited. We get to the Pacific Skydiving place at the North Shore. What better place to go skydiving.

As we were waiting, we were watching others come down. Still no nerves. I was just excited, it was crazy.

Now time to get suited up. Still no nerves. Meanwhile Sheryl is a wreck at this point!!! 

Off we go to the plane. Frantz and I were the first to go on so the last to jump. The guys that we went tandem with had wrist cameras that took pictures along the way. Oh, and still, no nerves.

On the plane. This is Wally, he was my tandem master. Thanks Wally for keeping me strapped in, having that chute open when it was time and for a soft landing ! 

My view at 5,000 ft. We were jumping at 14,000ft - holy crap - 3x this high!!! I was super excited. AND, it was kind of cloudy when we got higher up, so I actually got to jump through the clouds - how cool is that!!!

Frantz jumped right before me. As he was at the door ready to jump I was watching him...he was there, he was there...poof...he was gone!!! It was crazy!! This is him going out the door!!!

My view as I was hanging out the door strapped to Wally my tandem master. That was the cloud I jumped through!!! Still NO NERVES - just pure excitement!!!

GERONIMO!!!!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(see the plane above us...yeah, I just jumped out of that sucker)
We jumped at 14,000 ft. One full minute of free fall, open the chute at 5,000 ft.

You see the blue dot...That is Frantz. I am the red dot to the upper left of him.

HOLY CRAP I DID IT!!! I just jumped out of perfectly good airplane!!!

By far...the most exhilarating thing I have ever done!!! The adrenaline was pumping!!! I would do it again any day of the week!!! And highly recommend it to any and everyone.  Not once was I scared or nervous, it was crazy!!! It was amazing!!!

(And Sheryl was very happy we both landed safely. It was a long 20 minutes for her while we were in the air I am sure!!)

Thank you Sheryl and Frantz for allowing me to have this amazing adventure. 

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