Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A little about me

Well, I wanted to start this blog long ago, but never got around to it. So here goes.

First an introduction. My name is Missy, I am 44, not married, one son, Julius, who is amazing might I add, one brother, Steve and one sister, Sheryl. My reasoning for wanting to start this blog goes back a few months, if not years.

In January 2012 my mom passed away. I had not talked to her in over 10 years due to the fact that she just wasn't a very good person in my eyes (long story). At my mom's service my brother, Steve, told me that Sheryl had called him. Now Sheryl is my sister but I had only met her twice in my life, the first and last time was about 25 years ago. So as you could imagine, it was shocking to hear from Sheryl. We had no idea where she was, what she was doing, was she married, did she have kids - we didn't know anything about her. But what we did know now, is that we had a sister. And that was great!

From that point on Sheryl, Steve and I talked quite a bit and got to know each other, as well as we could living in different cities and states. It was strange, it was great, it was exciting to know that I had a sister, it was scary, it was emotional, it was really weird how similar our lives had been and how similar we both were. There were lots of questions and we were all piecing together parts of our lives that were missing thanks to our mom being a flake all her life.

We spent a few months communicating on the phone. I found out that she had a son a few years older than mine, she not married, had a very professional job and she lived in Hawaii and we got along great.

During these few months I started evaluating my own life. I lived in Savannah, GA, hated my job, just going through the motions of life for quite some time and felt like I needed to make a change. Well, I made a change - a HUGE one. I decided to sell all my belongings, pack my bags and move to Hawaii to get to know my sister for the first time in my life and make a new start.

This blog is about my journey.

I am a little late on getting this started so I will try to catch up.

Enjoy the ride!

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