Thursday, August 9, 2012

One my way to Hawaii

On my way to Hawaii. On my way to meet my sister that I don't really know. I have left my son, all of my friends, my job and most all of my belongings. It's a big risk, but not taking this adventure would always leave me wondering "what if", so I must do it. Even if it doesn't work out, at least I can say I tried it. At least I can say I now have a sister, that I know. At least I can say I lived in Hawaii, for a few months if not longer.

Am I nervous? Of course. Am I excited? You bet!

What if she doesn't like me? What if we don't get along? What if Hawaii isn't what I want? What if this is the best experience of my life? The way I look at it is what ever happens, my relationship with my sister will be closer, and for that, it will all be worth it.
The Lei that was presented to me from Sheryl at the Airport - AMAZING!!

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