Monday, August 6, 2012

My journey begins in Oregon

 My journey started on August 6th, 2012. I decided to fly to Oregon to see my friend Shea on the way to Hawaii. Shea and I worked together a few years back, but we have remained great friends. He moved to Oregon from Savannah several years ago and loves it there. For many years he wanted me to come out, I refused - knowing that if I did, I wouldn't want to go home.

flying to Oregon. Bags Packed, ready to go!!
Shea. My brother from another mother. My partner in crime. My best bud!!

The big rock...Shea will kill me when he knows I can't remember the name. Regardless, it was beautiful!!

I have never seen a real chipmunk until this date. All others have been on a cartoon!!! 

It really is Paradise.

This is Paradise. 

Shea was the best tour guide a girl could ask for. I was only there for 3 days, but it seems we saw most of the state - Thanks Shea for putting over 100 miles on the car the first day!!
the most beautiful Indian reservation
Mt. Hood
The Overlook Hotel - not the name now but in The Shining - this was the building.

What a great first day!

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