Tuesday, October 9, 2012

25ft. Waves on the North Shore today!!! Whoo Hoo

 Usually the waves don't start getting huge until later in the winter season, but for some reason they were supposed to be 20-25 ft today so we decided to check them out. Being from Savannah, GA I think the largest wave I have seen has been about 4 ft (and that is being generous).  So, here they are. The massive waves.

And the crazy people nuts enough to surf them.

This picture doesn't do it justice. The rumble of the waves crashing on the shore was crazy. You could almost feel it in your chest.

Oliver went also. He was really hot.


 Fred...sunning on the beach of the North Shore.

Plenty of holes to hold the umbrella.

Great day. Great shots of massive waves. 

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