Sunday, October 7, 2012

7th Annual Hawaii Fishing & Seafood Festival

After running around this morning taking pictures for a photo project I am working on, I decided to get out of the house and head to the Fishing and Seafood Festival that was going on today at pier 38. It was free - so it was all me!!!

Lots of fishies!! All were beautiful and fresh!

Parrot Fish

Nice lips fishie!!

Ok, this was super cool. The Artist Naoki Hayahi was there selling his beautiful works of art Gyotaku by Naoki ( Along with that, they were printing shirts from fish prints. Below are the steps that they did to get to the final product - which was super cool!!! If I would have had any money I would have gotten one. I guess I will just have to try it myself one day.

They coated the fish with non-toxic paint. Whatever colors the customer wanted. Making sure to have it all covered in a light  layer of paint.

this is one they had already done.

fishie all painted and ready to go!!

After the fish is all covered, they gently lay a t-shirt over the fish.

and pat down. Making sure to cover all the areas so that the paint will transfer onto the shirt.

and carefully peeled it off!!! 


This is the artist Naoki Hayashi. I love his work. I love it more now that I have seen it and watched some video's of how he creates his works of art. Visit his website 

More fresh fish

Smile for the camera!!!

Very nice teeth you have!

and really nice eyes you have too!!

 Big Shrimp anyone??

 The smell of good food, the sound of the Ukelele playing and great weather...Very nice!!

Yummy....Freshly grilled Hawaiian Abalone!!!!

yes...The Original KC Waffle Dog. 

This is a Waffle Dog. A Waffle cone batter poured into a special press, that cooks the dough like a waffle, with a hotdog in the middle!!! wtf??? 

The festival was great. It was fun to wander around and take pictures, sample some fresh fish and see the sights!!! All festivals are good for that, right!!! 

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