Monday, October 8, 2012

Apple Pie in an Apple...a must try!

My friend and neighbor Autumn found this darling recipe on Pinterest for an Apple Pie Baked in an Apple and we decided to give it a try.
Apple Pie in an Apple
5-6 Granny Smith Apples
1 teaspoon of cinnamon 
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
Pie crust (pre-made from the frozen food dept is fine)

Preheat the oven to 375.

To start, cut off the tops of the apples and carve out the middle. Making sure not to get too close to the outside. (If you make this face while doing this task, it will make it go much quicker.)

A melon baller or tablespoon works just fine. No need to be all fancy!

Looks great!

 All of the inner carving scraps can be used to re-stuff the apple when the time is right.

 You might need to cut one additional apple to re-stuff your apples. If you have too much, find something else to put them in and bake it along with the apples. You can never have to many baked apples!

 This is Oliver. He was not too happy with all the food being prepared and he didn't get any. Not too happy at all!!!

 Add the sugar to the apples.

 Add the cinnamon.

 Add the brown sugar. 

 And stir.

 Time for a glass of wine. 
Hey, the original recipe called for it, who am I to deviate from the recipe. This is baking you know!!! 

Time to stuff the apples.

Looks good already!

We are very happy with the results so far and we aren't even done!! 
Maybe it's the, it's the apples.

 Oliver REALLY wants some apples. 

 Next, take the pre-made pie crust and make a lattice pattern on the apples. Or whatever pattern floats your boat!

How pretty!

 Put the 4 apples in a baking dish. Make sure they all stand up on their own. 

 Add just enough water in the baking dish to cover the bottom. Cover them with foil and put them in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 375.

 Time for another glass of wine.

 After 20-25 minutes, take the foil off and bake for an additional 20 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.

Can you smell them??? They smell really, really good!!

Done!!! Feel free to serve this with some ice cream! Very easy desert, somewhat healthy and oh so cute!!!

Good job Autumn!!!

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